She was an indigenous leader and healer of the Makaguán people,
belonging to the Macarieros community in the municipality of Tame,
Arauca. She worked for the rights of indigenous communities and
promoted respect for ethnic traditions.
She had extensive knowledge of the Macarieros’ history and
traditions. That is why she was an outstanding woman within
indigenous movements such as Ascatidar and the Indigenous and
Social Alternative Movement. Her work was stopped on September 2,
2019, when she was murdered.
For the Makaguan indigenous people, the land is communal, all
families have free access to the spaces, as long as the working
areas of each group are respected, and they work according to
their customs.
It has a population of 323 people. The government assigned them a
territory of 16 hectares, therefore they live in overpopulation.
Additionally, the area is threatened by the Culebrero River.
They belong to the Guahibo linguistic family. The Macarieros were
nomads dedicated to hunting, fishing, gathering and cultivating
Currently they have been forced to settle and cultivate in the
small territories assigned to them by the government. As a result,
the soils of their small and overcrowded regions deplete quickly
and it is not productive for long.
MAGDALENA COCUBANA was an outstanding Social Leader within the
indigenous organizations ASCATIDAR & MAIS.
ASCATIDAR represents 35 indigenous communities and works to safeguard their territories and people. Unfortunately, for years, oil companies and armed groups have been a threat to the indigenous people living in Arauca.
The MAIS is a proactive, renovating, pluralistic, democratic, inclusive movement which defends Human Rights and Mother Earth. It leads political proposals to construct a model of society based on good living, governance, peace and the country's ethnic, political, social and cultural diversity.
In order to continue contacting artists, printing portraits and
holding other demonstrations, we kindly invite you to make your
Thanks in advance!
There are sources of information and organizations that work
with victims of the conflict in Colombia.
For example check out: "Somos Defensores"
If you want to make a portrait and know about the life and social struggles of one of the Colombian Social Leaders, contact us.