

Martha Cecilia Perez Giraldo

Martha Cecilia was a women and children rights defender, member of the Asociación Amanecer de Mujeres por Arauca -AMAR- and of the departmental network of women entrepreneurs. Her work as a rights defender was recognised by the departmental government. She was assassinated on December 22nd 2019 in Saravena, Arauca.


Women in the department of Arauca have played a fundamental role in the promotion of peace and the peace agreement in Colombia. One of the reasons for their participation is due to the gender-focused approach present in the peace agreement between the former FARC guerrillas and the Colombian state. The gender approach has made it possible to establish the differential impact of the conflict on women and has acknowledged their role in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


Due to the high number of assassinations of social leaders in the department of Arauca, the Truth Commission held a dialogue for non-repetition in 2019. In addition to social leaders, signatories of the peace agreement have also been assassinated and harassed. Social leaders and signatories of the peace deal have called attention to the state’s responsibility in these events, as it has promoted the stigmatisation of local leadership and of those who signed the peace deal.



Carolina Bolivar

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There are sources of information and organizations that work with victims of the conflict in Colombia.

For example check out: "Somos Defensores"


If you want to make a portrait and know about the life and social struggles of one of the Colombian Social Leaders, contact us.