

Paula Andrea Rosero Ordóñez

Paula Andrea Rosero Ordóñez was a lawyer who specialized in civil and political rights. She worked as Procurator for the Public Ministry of her region, the institution which seeks the defence of citizens rights. Paula’s work contributed to uncovering abuses of power and corruption and she also took part in the Municipal Peace Council and the Municipal Women’s Board.

She received death threats after exposing irregular management of state resources and reporting acts of corruption at the Lorencita Villegas Hospital (Nariño). She was assassinated on May 20, 2019.


Municipal Council of Peace in Samaniego

According to studies carried out at the Nariño University, Nariño's population is known for its strategies to defend and contribute to the construction of peace. One strategy is the Municipal Peace Council in Samaniego, an organization where Paula Andrea Rosero worked, a proposal to encourage peace in the territory through pedagogy and civic culture. The council's working sessions include female and male leaders of victims' organizations, people from the LGBTQ+ community and workers from different sectors.

Such initiatives are much needed in the Samaniego area where coca laboratories and drug trafficking routes connect with different rivers of the Colombian Pacific region. There, violence, corruption and hitmen are issues that frequently affect the population.


Municipal Women’s Board

The Municipal Women Boards are spaces where social leaders foster social transformations concerning personal, family, group, political, economic, cultural and territorial aspects. The board aims to collectively contribute to the well-being of women and the community in general.

Even in 2021, women belonging to the Municipal Women’s Board of Samaniego still continue to report that women in the region are being murdered, and nobody does anything.



Lilia Miranda

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There are sources of information and organizations that work with victims of the conflict in Colombia.

For example check out: "Somos Defensores"


If you want to make a portrait and know about the life and social struggles of one of the Colombian Social Leaders, contact us.